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New Update Out! The Internal Marketplace Ready To Take Its Fir | IguVerse

New Update Out! The Internal Marketplace Ready To Take Its First Orders.

The feature you've all been eagerly anticipating is finally here in the app — we've launched the internal marketplace. Upon its release, it boasts complete marketplace functionality and is designed to offer a seamless and user-friendly experience tailored specifically to the needs of the IguVerse community. Let's delve into what this update encompasses.

The Internal Marketplace

This is an in-app marketplace crafted exclusively for trading IguVerse NFTs. Placing an order, browsing, and checking NFT stats and history and more — everything is available at your fingertips. Take a look at this marvel of technology and make your first order!

Due to App Store policies, the marketplace will only be available in the Android and Web versions of the app. For your convenience, we've implemented a button leading to Web App in the iOS version.

User Onboarding Enhancement

To further facilitate the user onboarding process, we've added some intuitive screens, aimed at assisting new users navigate through our app.

New Socialize-To-Earn

The update comes with a huge visual improvement of the social task templates. What's more, the logic of the social task is now different as well. Users need to attach the link to the app in their stories. If not done, verifiers should choose "Pet ID not found."

Bug Fixes

We've addressed and rectified the most annoying issues that have been troubling our users recently.