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IguVerse To Obtain Government-Approved License In An Undisclos | IguVerse

IguVerse To Obtain Government-Approved License In An Undisclosed Country

As part of our efforts to expand into Asian markets, we are in the process of obtaining a government license in a key country to increase IguVerse's influence in the region. We are confident that the license will be granted and will make an official announcement once the process is complete. This move has the potential to mark a new era for IguVerse, especially if timed well with the launch of our upcoming products.

Currently, we are developing PvP games that incentivize users to earn by challenging each other, as well as an internal marketplace for IguVerse NFTs (not to be confused with the upcoming external marketplace). The games will also have a significant impact on the users' earnings by substantially increasing them. In addition, we have plans to launch a decentralized ad network and an AI-powered marketplace in the future.

We are excited about the potential for this move to drive unprecedented growth for IguVerse. Stay tuned for more announcements coming soon!