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️IGU to be set as the primary currency: what are the implicati | IguVerse

IGU to be set as the primary currency: what are the implications?

The listing of the IGU token is a huge milestone for us, because it allows us to realize the tokenomic design we've outlined in the Whitepaper. Let's see what this change means for users.

The main difference in the user experience is that now instead of BNB you'll need to spend IGU on the most important functions in the game, including:

NFT Mints
Rank-Ups and Level-Ups
Pet Restoration
Mystery Boxes

Apart from in-app purchases, IGU is the gateway to the decentralized future we're building, as it will bear the function of governance. With time the IGUDAO platform and organization will get a bigger role in the app development, as well as taking key decisions.

Naturally, we will enable IGU staking plans, which will either boost rewards or give a fixed percentage APR. More on that later.

The introduction of IGU in the game economy is a major step in a series of sustainability improvements that are aimed at supporting the long-lasting operation of the app, as well as consistent returns. The IGU payments rollout will turn IGU into a utility token, which will be in high demand due to its role in the functioning of the app.