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️A STRONG NEW YEAR ENTRY Hey, Iguanas! 2023 is the year | IguVerse


Hey, Iguanas!

2023 is the year when IguVerse will show its true potential. At the very start of the year, we have already reached a number of milestones that we want to share with you!

The IguVerse userbase continues to expand — we've finally started our quest of conquering the Web 2 world.

Our app has been downloaded 200k times. That's like 30% growth in a week!!!
33k users are playing our game each day!

We are happy that you all love the app so much. While you guys are earning with IguVerse, we will continue to build, improve the app and roll out new features, such as Social Feed

Due to the recent rapid inflow of users, you'll need to verify 10 users now in the verification task.

Exciting new coming!