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️ EXCITING NEWS AHEAD Iguanas! We have a couple of new u | IguVerse



We have a couple of new updates that are going to be game-changers! We can't tell you much yet, but we'll still give you a hint.

ALL $IGUP used for payments, Level-Ups and other spendings will be BURNT. ALL OF IT!!!

We're going to have a huge announcement about the $IGUP listing on a top tier CEX in December! This one will blow your mind.

Buy & trade $IGUP here:

Buy on PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x522d0F9F3eFF479A5B256BB1C1108F47b8e1A153&inputCurrency=0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56

Buy on Biswap: https://exchange.biswap.org/swap?outputCurrency=0x522d0F9F3eFF479A5B256BB1C1108F47b8e1A153

Stay tuned — we'll fill you in soon.