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️ APP UPDATE: MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS As you know, Iguanas, we | IguVerse


As you know, Iguanas, we are constantly trying to improve our app with your feedback — a lot is happening behind the scenes. Naturally, we'll kick it off this week with a major update.

Let's have a look at the fixes:

Socialize-to-earn has been reworked. The updates include major bug fixes that are aimed to improve the game flow.
A number of touch screen issues have been fixed.
We developed and optimized Mystery boxes and their use in our app.
The issue with move-to-earn IOS background has been patched.
Play-to-earn optimization overhaul is finished — now it will be much more efficient.

Thank you for helping us out, guys! Without your feedback we wouldn't be moving further so fast.

On the eve of the full-blown app release, we added Mystery Boxes into the Testnet. Try and test!

Btw, due to the transition to Mainnet, our app will be unavailable for 3 hours.

Share more of your feedback with us here:


Download the app here:

IOS version
Android APK version
Web version