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​​ Hey, folks! Today we’ll continue the update run with the d | IguVerse

​​ Hey, folks!

Today we’ll continue the update run with the discussion of the third mechanic you’ll be able to enjoy in our game.

First, let’s go through the setup. Remember — you’re after energy here. It keeps your virtual pet happy and is convertible to tokens. The energy can be generated through three game modes: socialize-to-earn, move-to-earn and play-to-earn. They all form our daily pool of obtainable energy in different proportions. The idea is that you can get enough energy through each of them, but you need to use the other options as well to max out.

Okay, so you minted your NFT and decided to go with our game first. You open it and find out that you are in control of an Iguana, which is trying to get all the food in this game world, but faces obstacles on its way. Naturally, it is ready to flex its jumping abilities and get those fruits. With your help, of course!

The gameplay is very intuitive, so you won’t find it hard to immerse yourself into the game when playing for the first time. After a while, some annoying bush gets in the way and you have to stop. You look around and notice how sleek and non-invasive the interface is — we worked hard to make you feel comfortable playing the game.

Here we end our discussion of the game mechanics, but not the updates. Which other updates do we have planned for you?

Stay tuned to find out!