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​​ IGUVERSE REVENUE MODEL Dear Iguanas , We would like t | IguVerse


Dear Iguanas ,

We would like to explain more details about our revenue model and the reasons why the IGU token will go up.

Every IguVerse player will have to mint at least one NFT pet in our app, using $IGU tokens. The income in $IGU tokens will be distributed as follows:

50% of all $IGU tokens will be distributed to Treasury and held there

30% is going to be swapped for BNB, serving as liquidity for the $IGUP token, keeping the ecosystem of the reward token healthy

20% will be swapped for BNB, which will be distributed to the BNB Treasury 

At the beginning of the game, there will be still the possibility to use BNB for easier onboarding. However, the prices will be 10% higher than with $IGU, to encourage users to use our native token. If user mints a playable NFT pet with BNB, the BNB pool is going to have the following distribution:

50% of BNB is going to serve as liquidity for the $IGUP token to maintain the ecosystem of the Token

Another 50% will be distributed to the BNB Treasury

On top of that users will have to spend $IGUP tokens for level ups and upgrades, which will be burnt and decrease reward token supply

Since the increase in price for the $IGU token is substantiated by the demand for the tokens, the price for them will increase accordingly to meet the supply, which will skyrocket the price of $IGU tokens after the game launch!

Read more details in our Medium article:
