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Genesis-Box giveaway from Get Kicks Get Kicks is a move-2-ern | ICO investor

Genesis-Box giveaway from Get Kicks

Get Kicks is a move-2-ern project which aims to migrate sneaker community intro the era of Web3.

They implemented following modes: Solo, Club, Tournaments, PvP and Background mode, where you can earn tokens without even having to open the app.

GetKicks has built a unique and new NFT function: "Create2Earn", where users will be able to create their own Sneakers using multiple colors and elements (similar to the Nike Custom shoes).

To celebrate the upcoming launch of the Get Kicks beta app, they are giving away at least 250 Kick NFTs, valued at $150 each. Each box contains Genesis Sneakers with random rarity.

To participate, fill out this form and complete easy tasks.

Registration deadline: 9th September 15:00 CET

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