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GemUni - new project on KrystalGo GemUni is building a Decent | ICO investor

GemUni - new project on KrystalGo

GemUni is building a Decentralized Universe of Casual Games for everyone around the world to engage in Fun, Easy, and Play to Earn Games.

Among investors and partners: B Labs, Aws, OpenSea, Niit, vrFairs, Fam Central etc

Buyout of allocation gonna be in BUSD on BSC

To participate:
1. Follow the link and connect your wallet (Metamask, TrustWallet)
2. Go to «Dashboard», pass KYC and stake your Kyber Network (KNC) tokens or you can get points by trading on Krystal, you will need minimum 300 points for Topaz tier (1$ = 0,1 Point), you can do it on BSC or Polygon
3. Register on the sale via link

Registration deadline: 11th Dec 08:00 AM (UTC)

You can learn more about the tiers - here

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