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Polkastarter opened whitelist for Happy Land In Happy Land, p | ICO investor

Polkastarter opened whitelist for Happy Land

In Happy Land, players will transform into the role of a farm owner cultivating, breeding pets and taking care of his farm.

Among investors and partners: AU21, Banter Capital, Kyber Ventures, Netvrk, ZBS Capital, Kyros Ventures, Maven Capital, GoodGamesGuild etc

You must either hold 250 POLS in wallet ERC20/BEP20 for a minimum 7 days to become eligible, or stake a minimum of 250 POLS to become eligible immediately

To participate, fill the form via link

• Registration deadline: 3rd Dec 13:00 (UTC)
• IDO: 8th Dec 13:00 (UTC)

Quiz answers:
• Agriculture Farming Metaverse with Farm-To-Earn benefits
• TazoGames Studio
• 5

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