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Biom Plus is a whole bunch of benefits: Change the location | BIOM P2E

Biom Plus is a whole bunch of benefits:

Change the location of the battle 1 time before the battle (10 seconds to perform an action)
+20% to payments for using your lands as a battle location
+20% to Biom obtained in battle (only battles played by the player are taken into account)
+1 daily quest change
Simulation of games in accordance with the reserve of forces not used per day (1000 per month)
Premium frame for your NFT in combat log
Free access to PvE activity 1 time per day (in development)
Increased % in the referral system (in development)

Biom Plus cost:
12500 REDX - 1 month
35000 REDX - 3 months
67500 REDX - 6 months

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