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Being rewarded for other people's mistakes Healthy criticism | SVIATOSLAV GUSEV

Being rewarded for other people's mistakes

Healthy criticism is the engine of progress, and that's a fact. Not to be confused with rabid hate mongering) these are different things.

So, I suggest that everyone who likes to ferret out the smallest flaws, errors and bugs — take part in testing.

You can test Telegram bot, the new version of which will soon be presented to the public. While the bot is in the testnet of the TON blockchain. And here's the testing algorithm:

You go into the bot ⟶ find a bug ⟶ go into settings ⟶ go into developer chat ⟶ tell where the bug is ⟶ you get a reward.

Everything happens publicly, so if you deserve the reward, you'll get it, go ahead)