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Revealed the secret of success in life Today is a very clou | SVIATOSLAV GUSEV

Revealed the secret of success in life

Today is a very cloudy day, I don't feel like doing anything. But I want to share my thoughts with you, so here it is.

What is the difference between a successful person and an ordinary person? Successful all the time, something does not suit you, and he works with it. He is constantly looking for new ways to improve his situation, he tries, tries, improves. Stagnation in life doesn't happen.

And the average person also works, can earn good money and even say that he wants more, but he is satisfied with everything in reality, since he does nothing.

You want something, go and do it: study, search, read, try, make mistakes. Eventually you'll find a way. You can and should rest, not without it. But everything must be in moderation.