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The dependence of cryptocurrencies on each other If you tho | SVIATOSLAV GUSEV

The dependence of cryptocurrencies on each other

If you thought there was only one dependency in crypto — the walking altcoin for the bit, no, it's much more interesting.

There are closely related coins: when one grows, the other in the pair may also grow. Not 100%, but with a huge probability, which is good enough.

So, here are these pairs of coins:

— $XLR & $XRP
— $FUEL & $CDT
— $LINK & $DIA & $BAND
— $EVX & $BQX & $DLT
— $NEO & $GAS
— $ONG & $ONT

Keep it and keep track of the coins of interest. You can buy them all in the same place — the Bybit exchange.