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We've added MARTKIST, sha256 algo to dedicated port 3377 | GOS.CX Pool Announcements

We've added MARTKIST, sha256 algo to dedicated port 3377

EU server
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp://eu.gos.cx:3377 -u wallet.rigName -p x

US server
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp://us.gos.cx:3377 -u wallet.rigName -p x

RU server
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp://ru.gos.cx:3377 -u wallet.rigName -p x

ASIA server
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp://asia.gos.cx:3377 -u wallet.rigName -p x

You can mine SOLO or PARTY just add m=solo or m=party.YourPartyPassword in a password field

Direct link: https://gos.cx/site/GetCoin?c=MARTK
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5219308.0
Discord: https://discord.gg/martkist