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Забираем новый OAT от ZetaChain Для начала заполняем гуг | ЗАРАБОТОК Airdrop&Bounty бесплатная криптовалюта ВЗАИМОПИАР

Забираем новый OAT от ZetaChain

Для начала заполняем гугл форму и отвечаем на вопросы:
What is the current network stage of ZetaChain blockchain?

Athens testnet
What will be the coin ticker for ZetaChain? (Hint on Coin Market Cap)

The ZETA token is used for:

Paying gas fees for ZetaChain smart contracts & securing the PoS ZetaChain blockchain by bonding/staking/slashing
The name of ZetaChain’s fully transparent blockchain explorer is called:

How many Cross-chain transactions are there on ZetaChain’s testnet? (check here)

5 million+
The ZetaChain blockchain architecture consists of:

Validators, Observers, & Signers
How much crypto was lost in 2022 due to breaches on cross-chain bridges? (Hint here)

$2 billion+

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