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Why are we building on APTOS? A few important points here: | EVO Wallet NEWS / Aptos

Why are we building on APTOS?
A few important points here:

Scalability & reliability

Let’s check all of them out:

1/4 APTOS security

The Move language ensures secure transactions
The Move prover, a formal verifier for smart contracts, protects software from malicious entities
Flexible key management and hybrid custodial options

2/4 Speed

APTOS has fast block times and can handle high transaction volumes, which makes it an ideal platform for building wallets that require quick transactions.

3/4 Cost-effectiveness

APTOS has low transaction fees compared to other blockchains, which can be beneficial for users who want to send and receive small amounts of digital assets.

4/4 Scalability and reliability

APTOS brings unparalleled performance to developers and a seamless experience for end users with the help of:

A parallel, batch-optimized, and modular transaction processing pipeline
Innovations like Block-STM.

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