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All the benefits of blockchain in one technology - zkEVM ㅤ | CRYPTO TREYSI

All the benefits of blockchain in one technology - zkEVM

The trade-off between compatibility, speed and security is a major challenge for blockchain developers. Often, improving the performance of one metric will spell the degradation of the other. One of the main contenders that intends to combine all of the aforementioned characteristics is zkEVM (zk-Rollup).

zkEVM is an off-chain protocol that runs on top of Ethereum and is controlled by on-chain smart contracts, using ZK-Rollups technology.

The purpose of ZK-Rollups: to reduce congestion in the Ethereum main chain, resulting in faster and cheaper transactions.

This rollup works by combining a large number of off-chain transactions into one. The main chain then sends a "signal" to verify the transfer. The transaction is performed only after validation. From this comes one of the main advantages of ZK - safer transfers.

Not so long ago, Vitalik Buterin told about the impact of zkEVM on decentralization and security.

zk-Rollup VS Optimistic Rollups

The main difference between rollups is transaction validation. ZK uses a cryptographic process. Each group of transactions provides proof of validity to the main blockchain.

And optimistic transmits transactions without calculations or checks. This results in a significant increase in scalability. However, if someone detects an anomaly, rollup will be forced to check the transfer for fraud. Compared to ZK, such checking can create large delays.

Some of the highlights among zkEVMs are zkSync and Scroll. Both projects haven't reached mainnet yet, so there is still an opportunity to be active in test networks.

Have you already done the testnet of these projects, in the hope of drop?

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If you haven't, then you should definitely do it. This can bring good profit
