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Partnership annoucement! To bring more benefits for Safewolf | Crypto Market™️

Partnership annoucement!

To bring more benefits for Safewolf long-term holders as well as create more used cases of $SW, Safewolf have decided to establish the partnership relationship with Margin Call project - an interesting project with the idea to "recover the loss of Liquidated Trader".

To celebrate this event, Margin Call project will deliver "thanks campaign" to Safewolfer, just doing simple tasks as below:

Step 1
Join their telegram channel: https://t.me/MC_Announce
Step 2
Join their telegram chat: https://t.me/MC_Community
Step 3
Follow their twitter: https://twitter.com/Mc_announce
Step 4

Each Safewolfer will be rewarded 200,000,000 $MC for doing full tasks as mentioned above.
Date of distribution: 6th Jun 2021