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Launching in 10 mins CompareAI Fair launch is happening on | 📊 Crypto kings Calls 📞📞 BSC/ETH/SOL🔶🔶🔶📞

Launching in 10 mins

CompareAI Fair launch is happening on #ETH

CompareAI is and AI central hub where all ai converge to feed the core which in return gives you the overall best output. CompareAI will be the next AI Moonshot to Take over the AI world

Launch Details
● Date: 17/03/2023
● Time: 18:00 UTC
Don't miss out on the greatest AI Fair-launch in history!

Based community
Virtual Game
Huge marketing and Partnerships
Low MC with huge Potential
CG /CMC will be Fast-tracked

● Tax Buy: 5%
● Tax Sell: 7%
● LP Locked

Join now millions Mcap is imminent!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ai_compare
Telegram: https://t.me/CompareAiGlobal
Website: http://Compare-ai.net