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#Land_Finance #LearnToLEND #Galxe #NFT Quiz 1 https://docs.go | Криптофлипперы Testnet/Whitelist

#Land_Finance #LearnToLEND #Galxe #NFT

Quiz 1
1.What is the LEND Finance ecosystem?
A DeFi Lending Protocol
2.What can the LEND platform be used for?
Lending crypto assets to earn interest, Borrowing crypto against deposited collateral & Earning platform revenue through $LEND Tokens
3.What do Lenders get for supplying / depositing assets to the protocol?
Competitively high interest + $LEND tokens as a reward
4.What utility do $LEND tokens have?
Can be used to claim a share of ALL revenue generated by the protocol & Governance!
5.How can LEND users earn $LEND tokens for free?
All of the above - LEND rewards ALL users with bonus $LEND tokens! We want everyone to have an equal opportunity to share platform revenue.
6.How does LEND stand out from other existing competing DeFi protocols?
All of the above - LEND is the best!
7.On initial launch LEND will first be available via … (complete the sentence)
BNB Ecosystem
8.LEND is a natural extension of the … (complete the sentence)
TEN Finance Ecosystem
9.How does LEND keep users safe?
All of the above! - Wow! LEND really cares about user safety & longevity of the platform!

Quiz 2
1.What is the $LEND token?
$LEND Tokens are the native reward token for the LEND ecosystem.
2.What can $LEND tokens be used for?
All of the above!
3.If you're a LENDER looking to maximise your earnings how do $LEND tokens benefit you?
Lenders can stake/lock $LEND tokens to earn up to 25% of ALL generated protocol revenue as additional passive income.
4.How much of all protocol revenue can be earned through staking & Locking $LEND tokens?
$LEND token stakers and lockers are eligible to share 25% of ALL generated protocol revenue from all current chains AND future chains LEND expands to.
5.How do LEND users earn $LEND tokens?
All of the above! All LEND users earn $LEND tokens as a reward for using the DAPP.
6.What is the circulating supply of $LEND tokens at launch?
7.How many LEND tokens allocated for DEV team for the first 2 years?
8.How do you start earning #RealYield with $LEND tokens?
Supply $LEND tokens -> Get $tLEND -> Lock & Stake $tLEND to earn!
9.What happens if $LEND Lockers unlock their locked tLend tokens before 90 days in their term?
Impossible! Unlocking tokens can't be done!
10.What are $LEND tokens the key for?
Unlocking real yield from the LEND ecosystem

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