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#zksync #Crew3 Проходим Квиз на знание проекта. Пока неясно, | Криптофлипперы Testnet/Whitelist

#zksync #Crew3

Проходим Квиз на знание проекта. Пока неясно, какие награды будут за активность на платформе Crew3, но лучше пройти квиз, тем более мы подготовили ответы на вопросы.

1.Type the name of the milestone we hit on October 28th, 2022 to move on to the next quiz.
-Baby Alpha

2.What is the purpose of Baby Alpha?
-To put the system through a series of real-money stress tests without users or projects to help us verify it is working correctly and performing as expected.

3.Type the name of the next milestone after Baby Alpha to move on to the next quiz.
-Fair Onboarding Alpha

4.At what milestone will zkSync 2.0 mainnet be open to all users?
-Full Launch Alpha

5.When will the Full Launch Alpha Milestone be launched?
-Around EOY 2022-Q1 2023, but we will put security first and consider extending the Fair Onboarding stage into 2023, ensuring we open the system to the community in the safest environment possible.

6.What freedoms does Open Source protect?
-freedom to view, change, fork

7.What milestone will we go full MIT-licensed open source?
-Fair Onboarding Alpha

8.In case of a potential future token release, 2/3 of tokens are reserved for…

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