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What coin(s) are you interested in for us to make a TA? Commen | Crypto World Signls

What coin(s) are you interested in for us to make a TA?
Comment below what coin(s) you'd like us to analyze and we will put them into the watchlist.

1. The instrument should contain the pair, not the single coin:
2. One (!) request per member.
3. Only first 10 coins will be reviewed.

They will be posted during the week. 2 coins/day.
We do this because there will be no trade time if we will do the requests for EACH member.
4. Will skip the repeated coins.
5. TA will not include exact buy/sell points. It will only reflect the HTF or LTF view according to the current market condition.
6. The poll will be done each Monday.
7. The request should be commented BELOW the original poll post.