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SIGNAL ID: #0716 COIN: $EOS/USDT (1-3x) Direction: LONG | Crypto Trading BlackBull®

SIGNAL ID: #0716
COIN: $EOS/USDT (1-3x)
Direction: LONG

This Killer gem has proved over and over to be one of the biggest and most violent movers when it's ready. and now it's ready

ENTRY: 0.835 - 1.02
OTE: 1.91

Short Term: 1.05 - 1.09 - 1.14 - 1.20 - 1.30 - 1.45
Mid Term: 1.75 - 2.10 - 2.45 - 2.80 - 3.20

STOP LOSS: 0.727

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- Binance Killers