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​Bored Ape metaverse land sales dominance threatened by (what | Crypto for Dummies

​Bored Ape metaverse land sales dominance threatened by (what appears to be) wash trading

Sales for Bored Ape’s Otherdeed metaverse land NFTs — easily the hottest virtual property brand around — have been booming during the first quarter of this year, closing in on $120 million in volume. The rise in the collection's trading volume means Otherdeed tokens rank as the second-best-selling NFT collection during the first quarter of this year.

Wash trading is when assets are traded between wallets owned by the same individual or company.This month, however, sales volumes for a lesser-known collection, also tied to a nascent metaverse platform called MG Lands, have been holding their own; even outpacing Otherdeeds’ sales at one point. However, it appears MG Lands’ rapid ascendance from relative obscurity might be, instead of a feel-good business story, another case of artificial “wash” trading.