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GhostMarket integrates new Neo NFT royalty standard GhostMark | Crypto for Dummies

GhostMarket integrates new Neo NFT royalty standard

has positioned itself as an early adopter of a new Neo Royalty Standard for NEP-11 tokens. This standard, aided in its development by GhostMarket, provides a set of common methods and events that can be easily implemented by NFTs that require royalties. While the standard is still in a draft status and has not yet been assigned a formal NEP number. Standardizing this functionality ensures that all dApps that interact with NFTs know how to correctly interpret the royalties associated with them. Likewise, NFT contract implementers will only need to put the standard methods into place to ensure royalty is interoperable across marketplaces and other projects which also follow the standard. The standard aligns with the work done with the ERC-2981, used on Ethereum and other EVM-based networks. However, following GhostMarket’s advice, Neo’s implementation was extended with support for multiple royalty recipients.