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Bankers' Adventure in El Salvador: 'Financiers' Positive on BT | Crypto for Dummies

Bankers' Adventure in El Salvador: "Financiers" Positive on BTC Prospects

44 representatives of financial institutions from around the world are coming to El Salvador. They arrived here for a major conference, but also decided to check out how cryptocurrency works at the micro level.

"Several heads of central banks asked me to meet with their teams," said Nicholas Berti, co-founder of Galoy Money.

This very company is behind the development of the Bitcoin Beach app, which started the integration of cryptocurrency in El Salvador.

The bankers paid a visit to a local celebrity, Mama Rosa. In 2019, her store became the first in the city to begin accepting bitcoins as a means of payment.

One major banker was even able to buy a coconut for BTC from a local resident. After all, what is this if not a victory for the technological revolution?