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CONQ's liquidity pool has been locked for 12 months: please re | Conqueror Channel

CONQ's liquidity pool has been locked for 12 months: please rest assured to trade;
Query link:

Contract address: 0xE3273EfB61EBB8d63333B05B42B5751Ef9758B42
Symbol: CONQ
Network: Binance Smart Chain
Taxes: Buy 5%; Sell 10%;
Recommended setting for large buying volume at opening: buy 7%; sell: 11%;
Congratulations to all of us to the moon
The Conqueror Game DAO pool dividend has been opened, the earlier you join, the higher the dividend!
The Conqueror game recommendation income function has been activated, and you can get a high referral reward by inviting you to join the game; one recommendation is bound for life; enjoy passive income!