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#Cartesi announced Social Mining in partnership with DAO Maker | bubbalex.media

#Cartesi announced Social Mining in partnership with DAO Maker

Cartesi partnering with DAO Maker to increase awareness around Cartesi through marketing services and their Social Mining system.

DAO Maker’s Social Mining SaaS will be supporting Cartesi to accelerate its ecosystem growth by allowing #CTSI holders to be more engaging towards our project development, creating not only a flourishing but also an active and organic community.

Join now: https://community.cartesi.io/signup/iRxnUaxJbL/

More details: https://medium.com/cartesi/cartesi-announces-a-strategic-community-partnership-with-dao-maker-194db3b636d8

Support Group: https://t.me/cartesihub

#SocialMining #DAOMaker