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The same CPL that you have to pour today, have time while ther | Arbitrage10.com - Арбитраж трафика. Кейсы. Форум

The same CPL that you have to pour today, have time while there are mouthguards

RU — CPL up to $19-24
CR 4% (Yandex, VK)

KZ — CPL up to $14-17
CR 3-4% (Facebook, Google)

RUEU — CPL up to $55-65
CR 6-10% (Facebook, Google)

DE — CPL up to $95
CR 10-15% (Facebook, Google)

PL — CPL up to $60-70
CR 6-9% (Facebook, Google)

RUTR — CPL up to $40
CR 5% (Facebook, Google)

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